Monday, January 28, 2008

Project and Cold Sores

I get cold sores. Yes it sucks. I believe I got it from this girl Kelly back in third or fourth grade. I had the hots for her and one time we played truth or dare and I got to kiss her and blamo! she gave me herpes. Ya ya, okay. For those that don't know Cold Sores are a member of the herpes family. Or Herpes Simplex. There are two types. Herpes 1 and Herpes 2. I have one. Therefore they come out on my lips and live in the two nerves that run from my eyes down my cheek to my lips and end in the lips. Therefore I get them there. I don't have Genital Herpes, and I don't get them on my dick. I have them on my lips, and if I kiss someone, they'll get it, but if I eat a girl out, it would be very hard for her to get them. Its not recommended to do that, but its very improbable she will. However, Cold Sores suck. They hurt, they look ugly and I have a girlfriend and can't fucking kiss her for a week. She came over today and I noticed I was having a breakout and it was just embarrassing to tell her. Fuck. But she's so nice and smart and hott, she understood.

Meanwhile, I recently started a new project for myself. I will begin mapping my existence. I have begun Journaling at least every three days about my life. I have also begun to map and publish an autobiography of the last sixteen years of my life. I have no specific reason for doing this, more a combination of reasons which I won't get into. Mostly, I will put up with it because I'll find it fascinating. The last two months will be easy, since I blogged for Jerk Out Month. Yay! 

So, in the end, I'd like you guys to tell me what you think about this project, cause I'm lonely and miss having 5 comments after each post. :(

Cooper Brown


Kevin Chan said...
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Kevin Chan said...

We're boycotting all the blogs of past-JOMers until we get a new guy there... (though The Jude's needs no boycotting)

And also, dude, please tell me that it wasn't a 4th grade girl who gave you the herpes and that I misread.

Cooper Brown said...

she gave me Herpes One which means I got Cold Sores beginning in Grade 4...we were both in Grade FOur and 80 percent of the population gets cold sores

Kevin Chan said...

Just making sure that you were both the same age, because obviously it'd be seriously fucked up if you were in different ones.