Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I wish I could blog more...

I wish I could blog more, I likely will in  the future, but right now, I'm in the middle of Exams and not really interested in sharing my thoughts so much, but I decided to sit down and get a few things off my chest. 
1) I've said it before, But I hate it when "friends" have birthday parties that I'm not invited to. I'm not quite the social outcast, so I do end up going to parties and such (well, not nowadays) and I do try to hang out with friends, but recently this girl who is in my general friend circle had a birthday and didn't invite me and I always end up finding out when the large, fun looking album goes up on Facebook. Basically, Its their choice, but its not nice, especially when I see her every day at the very least in Drama, Anthropology, History and more.
2) There is this guy who is very smart in my opinion, is a good actor and is someone on typical terms I'd like to get to know. But he is a huge dick to me. So I think he is an asshole socially. When I brought that up today, all the people around me said that he was so nice to them all the time. It may stem to a time last year where I caused the fall of his iPod that didn't break it. Or, he may be challenged by my intellectual equality to his own. Nevertheless, I think he should stop being such a huge dick, and maybe learn that I am actually just as smart as him or more.
3) My mom is fucking annoying, she just is really stupid and annoying.
4) I do not want to write my fucking math exam. Oh god I hate my math teacher and what math is like in Ontario. (For those non-Canadian readers, each Province regulates their own Curriculum, and the Conservative government in the 90's really screwed it up making the school system ass-backwards and retarted).
5) A good thing on my list now is that I've started another script and it is coming along as smooth as my girlfriend's ass.
6) Speaking of my girlfriend, she has a nice ass and I have girlfriend.

So that seems about for now. My last Exam is Friday, so I will try to update after the exam on friday or something to that extent. Chill out!

Cooper Brown

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