Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Mental Health Days and First Time

First off all, I need to get this out of my system: I just checked the referrals to Jerk Out Month, and someone actually Google searched "Jerk Off Pregnant" and linked to JOM. The fuck?

Today I went to school for half a day, called my mom and told her I'm coming home. I said I was sick. I'm sick to a degree. I normally don't take as many "Mental Health Days" as a lot of people, but I've felt rather down in the dumps lately, lots of homework, tests, Exams coming up don't help. And I find its just a distraction from what I really should be doing which is writing music, blogs and scripts. Now, since I'm too depressed to write anything good, I will now post a delicious Blog I had on my old blog on MySpace, until my parents started reading it. This was my first blog ever. So without further ado, this is "Fear and Loathing and Too many drugs".

Fear and Loathing and too many drugs
Current mood: high
Category: Parties and Nightlife

went to the Marijuana march today. holy fuck. im still blitzed. i cant believe im actually writting in the first place, but anyway, i left around 12. started walking to islington station. run into 3 ppl. they notice my tye dye tee.
"You goin to the march?" says the dude
"Mhmm" I say
So ya, so i train rided with them, just for fun. He had a lot of weed. fun fuckidy times. OH, he was selling it. Too much for him to smoke obviously. But it was cool, i was in the fucking westend of t dot, likely 10 km from queens park, and i run into a fellow. what comradeship! anyvey, i ditched them when we got to the park. Walked around, found Colder, a friend, said hi. Walked more, found kirsty and jess and that other girl and kirsty's bro. wasnt high yet. Nodda. Told em, they was walking around. Kirsty gave me a clear paper. Cellophane. FUcked up. I dont wanna smoke plastic. Thats stupid. but i decided to roll anyway. The wind blew my cron all over the fucking grass. Fuck that shit.
"I'm buying a pipe." I says
"We'll be around here..." Replies Kirsty
I get up and walk to the closest tent. Bongs in the hundreds. Pipes from 20-60 bucks. Ive got $45 for the day. My god. I went to the next tent. Pipes are beautiful...and 5 fucking bucks each. OMG!!!!! I got a really pretty white one. My god its nice. I buy it. Run back to the slight hill where everyone was. WTF? Theyre all gone. Theyre all fucking gone. But then i see claire.
"Heyyyy, whatsup?" I ask
"You got papers?" Random guy asks as I sit down.
I plop myself down, I give him the scary plastic one. HE takes it without a thought.
"You seen those before" I inquire.
No reply. FUcking spaced out chimp. I pot my bowl in my new pipe. Im poppin her cherry :). AHa, virginity. I light her up and take 2 hits. Coolios, fun fun. The cellophane joint gets passed to me. What the hell, Ill give er a go, obviously its tested to be safe. I take the hit, suck er all in, hold my breath, not too bad, im a vetern. I exhale. What the fuck? COUGHING FUCKING FIT. What in the name of fuck? I black out. NO shit. I fucking lost it. I wake up. Beats me how long ive been out.
"Youre coughing a lot." Says Claire
Obviously they thought i just laid down.
"I'll take a break." I mutter.
I'm fucking stoned. What the fuck? beats me. I sit there sucking on a few bowls before im totally incapacitated. But i get the bright idea to hide my crons and my pipe in my bag and bolt. I come up with some silly excuse and get the fuck outta there. ICE CREAM! theres an ice cream truck. lets get some fucking ice cream. Huge line, but im patiently stoned. Wait. WAit, WAit wait wait.
"Chocolate Bars! Skip the LINE! IVE GOT ALL THE NESTLE CHOCOLATE BARS!" a guy says
Im salivating way too much for my own good right now.
"Ill get a coffee crisp." I Propose
I offer a toonie.
"I just started man, get two." The chocolate man says.
So the next thing I know I'm done my first coffee crisp. Damn these drugs. WAlk walk walk, where the fuck im going beats the fuck out of m-
"Cooper Brown" Says Wesley
I plop myself down in the circle by wes and ak and jordana. *Unrecollected memory of doing possibly coke*
"Hey guys, check out this pipe." I say opening my bag.
"Cooper Brown, This is beautiful, wow. Check this out Jordana." Wes says excitedly.
"Wow." Jordana, impressed.
"Five Bucks." I say
"You tryin to sell me this pipe." Accuses wes
"I paid five bucks" I say again
"Holy Fuck" Says wes.
I load her up. I do some drugs. A little acid. Devon comes. Do some coke. A bowl. Another bowl....HEADACHE. It just comes. Fuck me silly, it aint fun.
"I'm thirsty, who wants a drink?" I mention
"Sprite" says random girl giving me a toonie.
"Surprise me" Says wes handing me another toonie.
I go and line up in the fajita/gyro line. Its huge, I bail. 
*UNrecollected memory of being lost* Im back in line. 
Wait. See wes, do weird things. Stop. Wait, Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait ....Wait Wait Wait ,Wait Wait Wait ,,Wait ,Wait ,. GEt chicken fajita. Im starving. No pop. WAter. Buy 3 water + fajita. eat. So fucking good. o fuck. Cant find anyone. *Unrecollected lostness* Smoking bowl in circle. *Unrecollected* Watching band. *Unrecollected* Buy juice + pot rice crispy square. *Unrecollected* Smoke more pot. *Unrecollected**Unrecollected**Unrecollected**Unrecollected**Unrecollected**Unrecollected*
Talk. Finish my weed. Good, Im quiting. Somebody talks to me about naming my pipe. I think about it. gather all the cig butts and collect the wasted tobaccy. Put it in my hand, sprinkle it on wes. Purple dinosaurs. Call dad. Throw butts on wes. Call dad. *Unrecollected* FUck people. *Unrecollected* sober up. im getting sober. sobersobersobersobersobersobersobersobersobersobersobersobersobersober
sobersobersobersobersober, go to spadina. go home. Rent Fear and LOathing in Las Vegas. How appropriate. Assume the couch potato position. WAtch. FUn times. Dad comes home. watches a bit with me. I bull shit about my day. Im still fucked but mellow and burntout.
"Ha, you feel like your actually stoned watching this, eh? Do you feel stoned?" Asks my dad sincerely
"haha..." I respond without humour
He goes away. LMAO. Holy fuckneds. if only he knew the humour in that. finish. great movie. great day. Drugs are great. say no to saying no to drugs. C-Dawg Out. Fuck yall, peace, have sex but use protection. Awesome. Free tibet. Can't stop here, this is bat country.

Wasn't that just spectacular everyone? Horrible grammar, I made up words, but-I had a good time I think that day. Back when I use to do large amount of drugs. BTW, the pipe I bought I named Milky, because Its white - but I left it in a field one time when I went to a party and thought I was gonna get beat up or get arrested...(I don't like parties)... :).

Cooper Brown


highthere said...

Your Fear and Loathing post was very Hunter.

Have you read any of his articles/books?

Cooper Brown said...

yes. he = one of my heroes
also it was meant to be Gonzo cause there was no editing and I was High