Monday, April 28, 2008

Enjoying yourself.

I haven't posted anything in for fucking ever. I doubt anyone reads these anymore. Jerk Out Month is practically dead. LA is the only living blog. Jay and Dave haven't posted anything ...ever.

Anyway. What have I been doing? School mostly, I want to get into University, so Marks are everything. Its a little stressing, but its for a good cause. 

Now, I would enjoy telling you about my Friday night. On Friday, I had two events to go to. One was a cast party for my Drama shows, the other was a Bonfire hosted by other friends.  I was with two good friends who I'll call E and L. L is 19, therefore able to purchase alcohol and such legally. We started the night by sharing a Rockstar energy drink mixed with Vodka. Super! We then moved on to the cast party which was up the road. L had bought Gin for himself and bought some Camel Smokes for me. We hung out there for about two hours. The people were mostly doing poppers (A Bill bong with a mix of tobacco and pot) fyi, so were fairly deadbeat. We left to go to the bonfire. L ran into two sets of friends until we got back to my place, which we decided to go to to empty our bladders and for E and I to drink some whiskey. We moved on, went to the park and half way there, calling our friends at the "bonfire", we were told they were broken up by the cops! WHAT! WHAT THE FUCK! So in the middle of nowhere, in the dark, we turned around, and went back the way we came. We moved on back to the Cast Party, where I drank, L drank and E smoked some pot, for about a half hour. At that point we found out that the TTC, the subway, bus and trolley workers here in Toronto were gonna go on strike! Everyone left! L was the only one who needed to get home, so we ran. But at 11:30, the 12:01 strike was already in effect. So, my dad gave L a ride home.  E and I had a nightcap of Jack Daniels and passed out. E referred to it as a very, very sad Superbad.


Kevin Chan said...

We all missed you dearly, you sir are beloved by men and women across this great nation we call kanata and you absolutely and most indoubidably pwn.

Unknown said...

yeh its been a while

Cooper Brown said...

<3 you just make me cream my pants...see?! I can get rid of fans just as quickly.

Stephen said...

Hey Cooper, I'm glad to see that you're back. How are things with J?