Friday, February 22, 2008

It just smells nice.

I am currently in Vancouver. This is likely one of my favourite cities in the world. For those that haven't been, GO. Toronto is not my favourite...its so...dirty. Halifax is my real home, but it doesn't have a whole hell of a lot of stuff. Vancouver...It just smells nice. Its always like 10 degrees warmer than the rest of Canada, it has that smell of moisture and pot in the air. The people are relaxed...sure theres quite a few trendy fuckers who wear Abercrombian Eagleollister. But hey - they're everywhere now! And don't get me started on the BC Bud. Everything about Vancouver and BC is great. I would love to live here. They even film Stargate here! Like, what else could I ask for? Everytime I'm in Vancouver, I hate Toronto a little more. I'm hating it quite much right now. But, In the end...the housing costs in Vancouver are fuckdiculous. Some day. One day.

Until next time,

Cooper Brown

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