Friday, February 8, 2008


Seasoned readers of mine will no I've been an alcohol abuser in the past.

Tonight I drank. I drank interestingly enough with my parents, and family friends. My dad admits to drinking too much in general, but is not typically "drunk" or ludicrously intoxicated. When he is, he admits to it. I, am the same way in that I admit that I'm drunk, but when drinking alcohol, usually do so with a large goal in mind, this is only because I  am underage. My mother finally is a person who drinks like me, to get drunk, but does not admit to being so and typically lies about how much she has had. Tonight was a nice example. 
We started at the friend's place. Dad's had a beer or two before I got there, mom starts with red wine and I have some white wine. After I am accomplishing my second glass of wine, I begin to feel my buzz, my dad is mellow and normally reserved and I know he is only truly intoxicated when he's really fucking funny or tired. My mom is getting her buzz obviously as she starts talking about herself. 
We move to a restaurant, my mom has accomplished a 1/3 of a bottle of wine, my dad three beers and I about 2 1/2 glasses of wine. At the restaurant we have a round. A pint of Amsterdam beer for me. When 2/3 the way through I am drunk. This is where I feel like I could dance in front of my parents right at that moment retartedly without care. My mom has done god knows how many glasses, and begins doing what I call connecting philosophies/sayings/world issues that don't fit. The Adult equivalent of putting the fucking round block in the square hole.
Anyway, by the end of the night, she was talking out of her asshole, being a fucktard involving politics, education, dad was making funny jokes about her and I got a Rum and Coke to fuck me till I got home so that I could write this drunk, for perspective writing of course.

All in all, these were my obserfuckingvations.

Coooooperuier BRowhnwo 

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