Friday, June 13, 2008

A contemplative - The art of Freedom

A man by the name of Will Durant said a civilization isn't a civilization unless creativity and the arts are not only tolerated but encouraged.  The people need to be relaxed, free to think about things. School, in my opinion, inhibits this behaviour. Especially when its the useless parts of school. Things that aren't educational. I can finally start to think in this way again. I was writing a lot around the time I started writing for Jerk Out Month, in other projects, but my school marks suffered. So, as you can see, I've won back more time to write a third entry in a week's time. 
I have time to think about lots of things! Even the difference between different alcohols. For example, I wrote this when I was fairly drunk:

Rum. That cursed device. The drunk times you and your friends have had are no match for rum. Rum will destroy you. I can look back at all the times I've drank rum. Oh those times. A different drunk. A dank drunk, a quiet drunk. But still drunk. Its not like whiskey. A light taste, a similar drunk, but not the same. Whiskey does one of two things to you, brings out your happy drunk emotions, or your violent drunk emotions. I'm a fairly happy drunk. But the rum. The rum puts me in a slumber. I lose motor skills alongside my stoned state. Its a tired drunk. Like being a little bit stoned. Slow, sloth-like. This is the rum drunk from my perspective. Hunter S. Thompson seemed to like rum. A quart of rum was always included in his drug collection. I don't see the correlation of rum drunk to his personality, with the exception of his mumbling. However his overall personality type seemed to differ from his rum drunk. This I may never know the source. I'm going to save this, as I'm writing this rum drunk. Perhaps I will add to this or learn something about my drunk self later on. Good night.

I have come to the conclusion that my favourite distilled alcohol is whiskey. I enjoy gin after that. I'm a bit of a wino. White wine first. Red. Brandy is always good, as is Cognac. Sake is okay, but I put Rum above that. But a rum and coke is always good.
Wow! I made a list. I'd never have time doing that if I had to write a two page essay explaining what a primary resource is.
In any case, I have one more exam tomorrow, and I can inhale pot into my lungs or snort some k or whatever I wanna do. I have no cares. I could write here every hour on the hour if I wanted. I can think up a hundred ways to climb up to my roof, or sleep overnight in the park. Whatever. The. Fuck. I. Want. 
Its a delicate art, the art of Freedom - and I just need to learn to master it.

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