Thursday, March 27, 2008


So I haven't updated in twenty-three days. I'm sorry. Hopefully people still read. I'm not really inspired cause no one ever comments - *AHEM*.

So I've been noticing some very distinct different differences as the days go by with a Ying Yang attitude. There are Yings and Yangs of personalities. For example, I've been to a fair number of auditions for Film, Television and commercials in my day. I've noticed, especially in Toronto, the type of people that go to those are your average pretty boy. Sometimes a douchebag, other times nice but they will be wearing Hollister or something. Like this guy:Anyway, I don't get to too many Theatre auditions, but I recently went to one. The people there, in the waiting room were friendly! They were kinda hippyish! They were cool dudes! Imagine that! So this is sad. When I'm a director, I'm gonna try to hire actors with a mostly theatre background. Not these superficial fucks who show up to be the next Zac Efron.

Anyway, in my previous post, I talked about the asshole Bus Driver I had to deal with. They're everywhere, I was on a streetcar and the guy pissed on me for asking for a transfer after I had already got on. I say "Thank You" to almost every driver, and there are loads of nice ones. Imagine how much better your day is when you have a guy who doesn't give you a hassle or says thank you back! In fact, the Toronto Transit Commission may go on strike next week. Why? "Post traumatic syndrome". Bull fucking shit. They say they're being harassed and spit on and beaten. Here's my theory:
My guess is that the majority of them are causing it. If you're difficult to someone, they're more likely to call you an asshole, like I did - peaceful me! Also, they get paid 27 bucks an hour on average! HOLY FUCKNUTS! Work a five hour day, 5 days a week, with two months vacation, thats 200 000 dollars. Thats more than my NICE mom and dad make. So shut the fuck up, If you go on strike, you are a group of even bigger assholes than you ever were.

So in short, the world is a delicate Ying Yang. There are good forces, and bad ones, assholes and saints. You have to know how to deal with them. There are bad movies and Fucking excellent ones and everything in between. Fuck is this sounding cliche...

I need to stop bitching, I feel thats all I do. So let me review something that actually is good. My birthday is coming up a week from this Friday. WOOOOO!!! 17 years fucking old! BOOYA.

Thats all folks,

Cooper Ying Brown Yang

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'll just assume 51% assholes.

Firstly, I'd like to give a shout out to Jay over at Jerk Out Month of our fourth candidate in slow agony. Enjoy.

Anyway. The Root of this entry is from a story starting two fine days ago. On a delicious morning I woke up to get on the bus. In Toronto, Students get 1 Dollar off their fare. In exchange for this, the official rule is you're supposed to have your student ID card. I've been asked for it once in the last thee years. And I was downtown, late at night and had it in my wallet. The employees don't care enough to ask, ESPECIALLY when you have a backpack on and are going to a school. So I don't carry my card. So that morning I got on the bus and the guy carded me.
"Can I see your Student Card?" says the driver.
"I don't have it with me" I say
"You need to always have it" He responds
"But I'm clearly a student." I say
"Pay another Dollar" He says as I pull out a pocket full of change.
"You have no consistency...if you all asked for it, I'd carry it with me" I say and place the extra dollar in. As I left I didn't say thank you. I ALWAYS say thank you to the bus driver.
After school, I was walking to my neighbourhood convenience store to buy some Doritos and Chocolate Milk. I live near my school and also near many other schools. I also happen to live near the subway where these school's kids go to everyday. The convenience store is even closer to it than my house. I usually do this trek and notice the rather gangster look to many of the "fine" young gents and the preppy young women. However this fine day I happened to notice a large number.

The cherry on top of this sundae is inside the convenience store (which is quite large by the way, with a subway attached), after school there is usually about twenty of these gangpreps in there. Just loitering. No reason. No one has any money. A few do. And they hang around the chips and candy and stuff. There will also be an employee standing in the middle of it all making sure they don't shoplift. As I walk in, they are quite rowdy and manage to knock over a display case full of beef jerky. The employee sadly began picking it up as I got my milk and chips. As I was about to pay for my snack, I saw the counter employee get wild eyed and ran up to one and told him to get out. He had a big jacket on and such but kept saying he didn't steal. Weird. I bought my stuff, and walked out amongst a few guys calling each other "fucking fuckers". The intelligence was astounding.

When I came home, I was Facebook surfing when I found a picture of my friend with a orange girl. I was saddened by this. This is a picture of the girl, I took out my friend.
Anyway, the next day, I got on the bus...and guess who's there! The same fucking bus driver. And he remembered me.
"Student Card" he says
"Really, I don't have enough money to come back home" I say
"Then I'll have to let you off the bus" He says and picks up a phone attached to the bus.
"I've got a problem with a student, he's refusing to pay a fare, do you see him on the camera? Okay." He says and hangs up.
"This is ridiculous" I mention and plop 50 cents in.
"Sir, I'm gonna drop you off at the next stop if you don't pay the fare" He yells. I put another 25 cents in.
"Thats all I have" I say.
"I'm letting you out." He says as I turn back to ask my friend on the bus for 20 cents. She gives me a quarter. I put it in the box.
"There you go asshole" I say. At that, he slams on the brakes.
"GET OUT!" He yells. At this point everyone is bitching at him telling him I payed my fare. I gave in and walked out the bus.

The next bus came in 2 minutes. I got on with a student fare....

Cooper Brown